Just Say Thank You; When People Don’t Appreciate Me It Pisses Me Off
When people don’t appreciate me it pisses me off. I know this is a natural human reaction, but I probably feel it more intensely because I am an extremely giving person. When I develop friendships I commit myself 100 percent to helping the people I love. It comes second nature to me to appreciate others because… Read More
Fighting For People You Love
I am someone who fights against injustices. When I see something that I feel isn’t right, I will fight against it, whether it’s racism, misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, or any sort of discrimination. I’m not only a fighter when it comes to discrimination, I also fight for the relationships in my life. When I make friends… Read More
Labels Are For Cereal Boxes
What does it mean to have a mental illness? Maybe nothing. It’s like asking “what does it mean to have a computer?” Uh…I don’t know I just have one. It’s not like I bought mental illness from the store. It was given to me by genetics and neurochemistry. I’m not sure what it “means” but… Read More
I don’t know what to do for you and I feel bad
There are times that I want to help someone, but I feel like I’ve exhausted all the emotional resources I have and I don’t know what to do for them. This makes me feel bad because I don’t want to see anyone hurt or suffering. If there’s any way that I can help someone I… Read More
How it feels to come out of depression
Coming out of a depressed episode feels amazing and exhilarating. Think about when you have a bad cold or even strep throat. You felt lousy for such a long time and all of a sudden when your infection clears it’s like you’re a totally different human being. You got used to feeling sick and that… Read More
I Don’t Want to Go to CODA Because I’ll Make Friends
Having an issue with codependency sucks. It’s hard to break that pattern when you are used to that dynamic. There are meetings for people with codependency issues. They are called Codependents Anonymous or CODA; think AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). Any addiction has meetings to support the addicts. People, for the most part, have intentions to get well,… Read More
Misinterpreted Anger
People misinterpret anger often because it is an intense emotion that can sometimes feel scary. Anger can be a productive emotion if used in a proper way. I just used the word “proper,” and I feel British right now. Working through your anger issues can teach you about yourself. I know when I recognize what makes… Read More
I’m So Glad I Talk About Being Crazy Online
I am so glad that I talk about being crazy online. I’m relieved that I don’t just have that dialogue exclusively in my therapist’s office because at the time I was seeing an LCSW as opposed to a Ph.D. Being able to talk about my mental illnesses online has been incredibly freeing. It’s allowed me… Read More
Don’t Text Angry
We’ve heard the expression “don’t drunk text.” But have you ever heard anyone say “don’t text angry?” It’s the truth. When you are angry, you are more likely to tell the “truth,” however it will be off the cuff, blunt, possibly hurtful and not accomplish your ultimate goal. When you are feeling angry, it’s best… Read More
There Should Be An Empathy Class in Schools
I was talking to my friend Jess, and she is a sensitive person like me. Unfortunately, there is a lack of empathy in our school system. Children are taught to focus on themselves and bettering their academic education. Empathy is something that should be taught in schools so that we can learn to be better… Read More