Writer, Mental Health Advocate and More!


  • You Don’t Have Life Insurance Through Work Forever

    Why you need a personal life insurance policy What is life insurance? Life insurance is a contractual agreement between an insurance company and an individual. In exchange for a monthly (or annual) premium, a life insurance company commits to paying a lump sum of money to the beneficiaries named on a life insurance policy after the… Read More

  • Hey Gen Z, I Have NFI What You’re Saying! Sincerely, a Confused Xennial

    The first step is admitting you have a problem I’m 43 years young, and I have two teens. My son is 15, and my daughter is 12 going on 25, so I consider her to be a teenager. Needless to say, I have no fucking idea what they’re saying 80% of the time, and they’re… Read More

  • I’m on Mastodon!

    Hey! I am on Mastodon. Check it out. Mastodon Read More

  • Are There Apps that Help Your Mental Health

    Are There Apps that Help Your Mental Health This post is sponsored by SheMedia and Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. I have been compensated for my time, but the experiences and opinions expressed here are my own. Though we’ve come a long way with mental health, there’s still stigma out there regarding mental illness. That’s why… Read More

  • To Blog or Not to Blog

    To blog, or not to blog, that is the question: Whether ’tis WordPress on the mind to type The keyboard and laptop of outrageous blog posts, Or to tweet words against a sea of followers And by replying accidentally troll them. To delete—to weep, No more; and by a retweet to say we mend The… Read More

  • The Educational System in the United States is Failing Kids with ADHD

    The Educational System in the United States is Failing Kids with ADHD I worked for the department of education in New York City for many years as a substitute teacher. I have had a plethora of experiences working with children in special education classrooms, general education classrooms, ICT or inclusion classrooms, and in afterschool programs.… Read More

  • Be Your Own Psychologist

    Can you be your own psychologist? In some ways, you totally can. You can be your own therapist because the path to healing is different for each person. Think about it, therapy is unique for each person and there are so many different kinds of it. I think the majority of people want to be… Read More

  • Repressed Memories Scare Me

    Repressed memories are a funny thing and by funny I mean, scary. There are things that I wish I remembered from my childhood, but actually, do I want to remember them? I’m not sure if I could handle those influx of memories. There are memories that I believe are real, based on events that have… Read More

  • I’m Open and Closed

    I used to believe that I was entirely an open book. I am honest, passionate, blunt at times and I express myself as much as I can. I do this so assertively because when I was a child, I did not do this. I did not use my voice. I kept silent because I thought… Read More

  • The Power of The Mind Body Connection

    The mind-body connection is powerful. I often disassociate from my body because it is usually emotionally painful to be inside of it. One of the reasons I do this is that I somaticize my symptoms of anxiety and depression. It’s important for me to remember that my mind and body are, in fact, connected. The… Read More