Writer, Mental Health Advocate and More!


  • The Day I Curbed My Impulsivity

    The Day I Curbed My Impulsivity I legitimately have a social media addiction. It began when I had my children and they were small. I was consistently up at 3am, 4am and whatever am nursing babies. It was exhausting and I didn’t know what to do with myself. I needed an outlet to vent my… Read More

  • I Still Don’t Have My Shit Together

    I Still Don’t Have My Shit Together As a 30 something year old woman, I have achieved a great deal of professional success, but I still don’t have my shit together. I have been on the front page of the Washington Post and I have been interviewed in The New York Times. Still, I do not… Read More

  • To Be Understood…or Not

    The hardest truth for me to accept in my life is that not everybody is going to understand me. There have been so many times that I wanted desperately to be understood. My feelings were so passionate and I really needed someone to say “I get it.” I feel your pain, anger, frustration or sadness.… Read More

  • Therapy Phobia

    I have met many people in my life who have said (in one way or another) that they do not want to see a therapist. They would rather talk to a friend or family member than a stranger. While I understand this concept, I disagree with it. I asked one of my friends why he… Read More

  • If a Were a Robot

    If I were a robot If I were a robot I would be stoic. I wouldn’t react or get angry. I would only say things I meant to say because I was programmed to do that. Beep If I were a robot I would clean my house on a regular schedule because robots are organized… Read More

  • Heartbreak and Renewal

    My heart is sore today and I’m embracing it instead of running from the pain. Sometimes this happens and the most productive thing for me to do is to look inward and ask myself “what are you thinking and what are you feeling?” Once I know my thoughts, I am better able to understand my… Read More