Can you be friends with your ex?
Can you be friends with your ex? This is a question that people have many conflicting opinions on. If you have children together, it is to your benefit to be friends with this person at least have an amicable relationship with them. However, if you have no familial ties to your ex then you do… Read More
Having Compassion For Yourself
When you’re depressed it can feel draining and overwhelming. That’s why it’s so important to have compassion towards yourself. Depression can feel mean. It can tell you that you are worthless and make you feel like you don’t matter. This can be hard when you’re in social situations and people are asking you questions about yourself.… Read More
The Fast Forward Button
There’s no fast forward button. Although I would like to skip the times in my life when I feel down or depressed… I can’t. What if there was a fast forward button? How would that impact our growth? I think that we wouldn’t change much if the button existed. Why? Because pain exists for two… Read More
What DOESN’T make me anxious?
I’ve been thinking a lot about anxiety lately. I know, SURPRISE! Seriously, anxiety causes me the most distress out of all the shit I deal with in terms of mental health “issues.” I wake up, I’m anxious about getting my kids ready for school, I’m anxious about getting their lunches ready, I feel nervous about being… Read More
My cat hates my dog
My cat hates my dog. She doesn’t want to look at her. When they do look at each other, it’s utter disdain. I find it sad that they can’t be friends. I’ve seen other dog and cat friendships happen. It’s possible, and I try to impart this wisdom to them. If I were having trouble… Read More
Know Thyself
There are moments where I think “I know myself.” I can’t exactly pinpoint what those moments are, but they exist. I feel comfortable in my own skin. I know what I’m talking about and I am saying what I mean. It’s a great feeling to know who you are, to know who I am. Then… Read More
Am *I* Emotionally Unavailable?
I have complained a lot about dating emotionally unavailable men in my life. I see myself as an emotionally intelligent person. I’ve been in therapy for most of my life and I’d like to think I get myself pretty well at this point. But lately, I’ve been questioning that. If I’m so emotionally available then… Read More
One Step at a Time
I’ve always had trouble exercising. The reason it’s been hard for me is a couple of things: firstly, every time I ran out of breath doing something I felt like I was going to die. The likelihood of dying from taking a few steps on the elliptical machine is very small since I’m not a 90-year-old… Read More
Taking Inventory and Going From There
Sometimes I know what to do. I think about a problem, I analyze it from a logical perspective and then I take a leap and solve it. The analysis process could go on for some time, it could potentially involve consulting with experts otherwise known as my friends and family, and then I’m ready to… Read More
What’s Your Problem?
Have you ever asked anyone “dude, what’s your problem?” I’m sure I’ve said it to strangers when they were rude. I can remember some occasions where I said it so someone close to me. I have a handful of problems right now, but if someone (anyone) asked me what my problem was, I wouldn’t be… Read More