Keeping a Secret Could Hurt You
What would you say if you could say anything? Nobody knows who you are. You are uninhibited and you can confess any secret you want to. I think about this all the time. There are [...]
What to Look For When Choosing an Online Therapist
I have had several therapists in my lifetime. At the moment I am 37 years old and I've been in therapy since I was 15. At first, when I went to see a therapist I [...]
The Day I Curbed My Impulsivity
The Day I Curbed My Impulsivity I legitimately have a social media addiction. It began when I had my children and they were small. I was consistently up at 3am, 4am and whatever am nursing [...]
I Still Don’t Have My Shit Together
I Still Don't Have My Shit Together As a 30 something year old woman, I have achieved a great deal of professional success, but I still don't have my shit together. I have been on [...]
To Be Understood…or Not
The hardest truth for me to accept in my life is that not everybody is going to understand me. There have been so many times that I wanted desperately to be understood. My feelings were [...]
Therapy Phobia
I have met many people in my life who have said (in one way or another) that they do not want to see a therapist. They would rather talk to a friend or family member [...]