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2908, 2017

Am *I* Emotionally Unavailable?

By | August 29th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Am *I* Emotionally Unavailable?

I have complained a lot about dating emotionally unavailable men in my life. I see myself as an emotionally intelligent person. I've been in therapy for most of my life and I'd like to think [...]

1808, 2017

One Step at a Time

By | August 18th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on One Step at a Time

I've always had trouble exercising. The reason it's been hard for me is a couple of things: firstly, every time I ran out of breath doing something I felt like I was going to die. [...]

1608, 2017

Taking Inventory and Going From There

By | August 16th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Taking Inventory and Going From There

Sometimes I know what to do. I think about a problem, I analyze it from a logical perspective and then I take a leap and solve it. The analysis process could go on for some [...]

1108, 2017

What’s Your Problem?

By | August 11th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on What’s Your Problem?

Have you ever asked anyone "dude, what's your problem?" I'm sure I've said it to strangers when they were rude. I can remember some occasions where I said it so someone close to me. I [...]

908, 2017

Is This Thing On?

By | August 9th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Is This Thing On?

I find myself at a loss for what to say right now. I don't want to say "anymore" because I want this feeling to be temporary. The reality is that I don't know how long [...]

208, 2017

Do it Anyway

By | August 2nd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Do it Anyway

I feel down today, but I have shit to do; I am going to do it anyway. Sure, it's frustrating, but I'm not going to try to change how I feel, but rather work with [...]