Sarah Fader
I write poems that don’t rhyme.
Like this one for example.
This is not a poem. But I am anxious and completely out of my mind right now because I have too many things to do.
So many things that I don’t even know that they are.
I know who I am though.
Poetry doesn’t have to rhyme.
It doesn’t even have to make sense even.
The most important thing is to express what I am feeling and…
what I am feeling is…
tightness in my chest
and racing thoughts or…
wanting something I can’t have, but…
knowing that maybe one day I…
might actually get it if…
I let go of the idea that…
nothing has to be a certain way because…
when poems don’t rhyme they are still emotional.
I’m full of intensity and emotions and the willingness to share all of those things with people who…
want to hear them but…
there aren’t many of those people in the world.
There are people who try to get it…
sit there and believe that…
they can be a part of my inner world but…
there’s only so much that…
we actually share with others.
Most of what we say is on the surface; even if we don’t believe that it is, it is.
So…I try to be more real and…
get to the deeper part of the ocean rather than skimming the waves.