Losing a loved one when they die is a traumatic experience. Death leaves us missing people, longing to hug them,…
Being Smart And Analytical Hasn’t Helped Me, But This Has
I always knew that I was a smart person. I am good at analyzing situations and figuring out what people’s…
Try These Great Self-Care Techniques
We’ve all been burnt out at one time or another. It’s so important to take care of yourself when you’re…
Tags: self careThere is No Pizza Here
I’ve been despondent since September because there is no pizza in Portland. Yes, there are places that say that they…
How to Survive in The Pacific NorthWest If You’re From New York
I’ve been living in Portland, Oregon since September and it was quite the culture shock. I’ve lived in New York…
I Didn’t Want to Be a Woman
Becoming a woman was never easy for me. I was always a tomboy growing up and I never wanted to…
Oy Gavolt I Miss New York
In the summer of 2017, I couldn’t wait to leave New York. I’d lived there for 37 years and it…
Poetry Releases My Feelings
I write poems that don’t rhyme. Like this one for example. This is not a poem. But I am anxious…
I didn’t want to believe that I was depressed
When I came to Oregon, I was in denial about my depression, well somewhat. I had just moved to the…
Just Say Thank You; When People Don’t Appreciate Me It Pisses Me Off
When people don’t appreciate me it pisses me off. I know this is a natural human reaction, but I probably…