Sarah Fader
I have written seven books and I love writing. I’ve been writing since I was six-years-old, and I don’t play by the rules. I enjoy sentence fragments, semicolon usage, and offbeat humor. I often wish there was a sarcasm font and I still don’t understand why our society can’t get it together to have one. Writing is one of the most freeing and cathartic experiences for me. I get to use SAT words, get my emotions out, and be myself on paper.
Since I love writing so much, I would like to help you write a book. Is there a story you’ve been dying to write? What is stopping you? It’s time to break through those walls and get through those invisible barriers. The clarity you’ll receive when working with me is undeniable. I know that we can produce something you’ll be proud of. I’m well-versed in the world of self-publishing and I can guide you to professionals who will get your book on the market.
Are you interested in hearing more? Schedule a free Skype session me by contacting me here. Click the contact form and reach out! I promise I don’t bite.